Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm On A Tear

It started Monday morning! I was thinking about my job -- as a wife and homekeeper.
Next thing ya know, I'm meditating on Proverbs 31.
And from there ----well, let's just say conviction fell upon me
and I got up and started tearing into the one job
I had dreaded and feared
the most ---- going through the two big, bulging boxes
that contain all our bank statements, warrantys, receipts, IRS stuff,
bill stubs, newspaper clippings, etc. etc. etc.
ALL in there together,
in NO order whatsoever.
Now this is the kind of thing that haunts me.
It does. I want to be able to lay my hands on any document
at any time and to be able to tell William where to find, with ease, whatever we're looking for.

It took me ALL day long - from about 9 until 6.
But, we are now organized in our finances.
And ready to really declare war on debt.
We have been pursuing financial freedom for some time now
but I believe getting organized in this area is
taking care "in the small things" and
trusting the LORD for the rest.
I'll show you those pictures later.

Right now ----
the conviction continues !!!

Here is my newly organized pantry.
Yes, we do have a lot of tea bags.
FIFTEEN !!! boxes
Sam's had them $2 less than normal.
We go through a lot of iced tea.
And, in case of a British invasion --
I'm all set.

This cleaning frenzy extended to the kitchen cabinets today. I'll spare you the "befores".
These are the "after" pictures.

Posted by PicasaI had other pictures that I thought I had posted, but alas ..... they aren't here.
Stay tuned......I'm going to find them..... I am.
And then I'll post ......
the rest of the story.
Gwynie Pie

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