Hey! My Saturday has been busy and productive! Hope yours has been great too! William and I worked several hours today getting the clothesline poles in place and pouring the cement around the bases. Then William officiated at a wedding, which was quite beautiful, came home and got quite a bit of one garden spot tilled.
I spent some time continuing to "fluff" the house a bit. In checking out my favorite blogs today, I came across one that is just great!! And I have to share this with you all.
The name of the website is Little Window Shoppe. She is a young mom and business woman. She designs websites for businesses. When you go to her main site, you can access her blog, a craft section and a recipe section and several other areas.
I saw her recipe for Hawaiian Haystacks -- I'm trying it this week!, and then started exploring the rest of her site. There are wonderful crafts to do with kids, great recipes that were all new to me and her daily blog was just fun to read. Hope you like it as much as I do.
http://www.littlewindowshoppe.com/ Well, the address came out pale pink, but I tried it out....it will connect you. Gwynie Pie