Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's finally here

Wonderful, beautiful Springtime
I am loving the way Spring is springing this year.
But then, I am always pretty crazy about this time of year.

A Sunday afternoon drive around the ranch
shows the "hope" that is in the beginning of every Spring.

"All things made new."

Around here, there are two sure signs that winter
is over --- the mesquite trees leaf out and the scissor-tales show up.

We saw our first scissor-tale yesterday
and the mesquites are just popping out.

I am praying that your week is a blessed one.
This week - between Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday --
my very favorite week of the entire year.

The sacrifice that was made for me (and you) is
breath-takingly amazing.
I don't ever want to take it for granted
or speed past it.
I just want to take it all in.

I read Luke yesterday and will read
John today,
followed by Matthew and Mark
later this week.

I don't think I have ever just sat and read the entire
book of Luke at one time like that.
Such a powerful experience.
One that I would recommend.

I am also working on dressing up the house for
the weekend - all the kids are coming home.
And Pops is dressing up the yard and porches.

I'll be back later in the week with my new Spring-y
home and porch decor pictures.

Happy Wednesday all !

Gwynie Pie
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