One guest bedroom has a simple lighted tree. The brand-new, yet old-looking little sign was purchased at Cheapo Depot for $2. It says "Season of Joy".
The folk Santa was made by William, probably 30 or more years ago, out of a 2 by 6 chunk of wood.
Lily Kate's little table all set for having a tea party with the teddy bears.
Adornments decorate the little tree, each one telling about a part of Christ's life, who He is, why He came to earth.
first ballet slippers,
my tiara from high school days,
an antique bookmark with the ten commandments, from my grandmother's Bible,
mine and William's first Christmas stockings, homemade by a mom or grandmom,
special glass ornaments from my grandparents tree,
there is even a cute little plastic cowboy hat bowl that was Williams when he was
a little guy -- it's so cute!,
at the top -- the cake topper from our wedding....two white doves inside a white heart.
I used yards of burlap this year. Everywhere. On the trees. Under the trees. I hope to finish the burlap stockings by Christmas. If not -- there's always next year.
Sooooo -- that's the tour of trees, part1. I think I showed you our bedroom tree a couple days ago. Then there's the peppermint tree in the kitchen. And the trees on the porches.
Oh, I'll be back later with those.
We are totally decked out and dolled up and enjoying every moment of this season.
Enjoy your CHRISTmas season day. Okay?
Gwynie Pie