Problems posting my pictures AGAIN !!!!!!!
In case you can't see the pics in the following post,
here they are.
IF you CAN see them, here they are.... :)
Anyone else have this problem?
If so - and you don't mind, e-mail me the
solution. Thanks !!!
Gwynie Pie
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bedroom #1 Redo
My big, huge, 24-hr.
weekend project --
converting Office/Craft Room
into a Bedroom
was a great success.
The cute twin bed was given to me
by my "friend of many years"
(NOT old friend!)
and it is just perfect in this room.
It was one of two twin bed in Susan's room
when she was a girl.
I spent many fun times at Susan's house.
Two things stand out:
1. While playing in their attic (something I knew
nothing about),
I stepped wrong, off the beams,
and stuck my leg clear through the ceiling.
I was just hanging there, laughing and
totally embarassed.
I mean, really???
what do you say to people when you just
made a sizable hole in their living room ceiling?
and 2.
I remember once we made mud pies
and got just a tad bit carried away.....
we covered every bit of skin that stuck out of
our clothes with a thick coat of mud.
Then --- hosed off out in the yard.
OH and 3.
Susan's mom made THE best cream puffs
you ever laid lips on !!!
Oh. my. gracious.
Anyway, thank you Susan --
I love it!
Meet "Dudley"
I got him at Christmas at Old Fort Concho
a couple of years ago.
It was love at first sight !
I had to have him!
I was so very glad he was almost within the budget.
He is sooooo sweet.
And he has been everywhere....
on the back porch surrounded by
old branding irons.
over the fireplace.
in the dining room holding Stetsons.
The stunning quilt was given to me by my
about 25 years ago.
It was THE best Christmas present
I ever got from her.
She made it years before that
and just kept it until I was old enough
to appreciate it.
These two silhouettes are of Mamaw and Papaw.
Stamped on the bottom of each card:
Rock City, Tenn
That's all I know about them.
Aren't they cute?
And it looks just like them.
this sign was
from the road
which was named after
my grandparents,
which is, I am sure
what motivated
to "borrow"
said sign.
It's black and white
and ever so cute,
Gwynie Pie
Friday, October 22, 2010

Bedroom #1
is undergoing an
identity crisis.
First I packed up and moved all
the office items out
office items
bill paying stuff
all moved to the other end of the
house to a cute little corner
of our bedroom.
Next ----
the craft stuff,
sewing paraphenalia,
of what I refer to as
all were taken away.
And all that left
just sad
without purpose.
BUT ------
"I have a plan."
words that make my
big, strong handsome man
And then.........
he always comes along with
the muscle
the toolbox
the expertise
the logic,
the sweet smile
turns my "plan"
What a sweet guy!
My "plan" is to have this room
completed by tomorrow afternoon.
It is now 3:10 p.m. cst
soooooo, I'm thinkin'
24 hours from now???
Okay, gotta jet.
I'll be back with pics.
Gwynie Pie
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Blogger makes me craaaaaaazy!
I spent 30 minutes doing pictures,
writing, re-writing,
fussing with everything
and THEN
it posts my words
without the pictures to go with it.....
I ask you,
what's a blog without
These are the pictures that go with the post
that follows.....
I don't have time to re-write the post to go with these pictures
I don't have the expertise to "fix" whatever is the problem.
I'm gonna have a great Fall day
you do too!
Gwynie Pie
FIVE Days of FALL - Day 2

That's because ----
I got a little (lot) distracted.
I've been busy doing
not much blogging.
I had a "brilliant beyond brilliant idea"
(name that movie)
aren't they all?
at least in theory.
and on paper.
Well, THIS idea was a winner!!
I moved the office/craft room
out of #1 bedroom
(which has not ever been a bedroom)
we are making #1 into a real live
usable-by-guests bedroom.
It's gonna be so cute.
More on that as it happens.
The moving of my office from one end of the
house to the other was a bit of a task, though.
And it involved calling in the net provider
to move computer connection from one end of the
house to the other as well.
Then, William and I turned our room on end
moving pretty much every piece of furniture
and all its contents to somewhere else
in the house.
Fruit basket turnover style.
A horrific mess for about 2 days and
Super good.
Super fun.
Super cute.
When I get the curtains up later today,
I will definitely share.
Soooo, BACK to Day 2 of Fall ~~~~~
The house is decorated end to end
and top to bottom for
Fall ~~~
it just makes me smile
and sigh a happy sigh
when I walk through the house.
Don't cha just love it when your home
IS your "happy place"?
My next step is to make this
happy place
I made a trip to Bath and Body yesterday
for Fall fragrances in
I only buy these items there when they
are on 1/2 price
so I can get twice !!!! as much
Delicious scents warm up every room
in the house .......
Frosted Cranberry
Creamy Pumpkin
and right now I have
a Winter candle
burning on my desk that
I promise you has a hint of mesquite smoke
in it.
Glade also makes some wonderful seasonal candles
that smell great.
am I the last person on earth
to discover Mrs. Meyers ???
I bought the all-purpose spray
back in the spring
and use it for cleaning just about everything.
It just freshens up a room instantly.
All her products are natural
and safe to use in kids rooms
and kitchens.

The best way to make your home SMELL deliciously Fall-like
of course, is to bake something yummy.
Something involving apples and cinnamon
is always a crowd pleaser.
And nothing!!! is better than a pot of soup or stew
simmering on the stove
with a pan of cornbread
homemade French bread
in the oven.

This soup
was kind of a "end of summer"
put together soup
that turned out fantastic !!!
Saute a big onion
and several cloves of garlic,
rough chopped
in a good amount (1/4 cup) olive oil.
When the onion and garlic are translucent,
add sliced or diced
zuchinni (2-3)
yellow squash (2-3).
Cook until they start to get done.
This is where you need to add about a Tablespoon salt
and 1/2 Tablespoon pepper
I also added about 1/2 Tablespoon
crushed red pepper
but it was borderline HOT.
I will back it down on the red pepper next time.
Then add
a large can diced tomatoes,
a can of Ro-tel
chicken broth --
a good amount is needed here....
probably 2 qts at least.
After it is good and hot,
break into small pieces
a BIG handful of
fettucini or spaghetti
(any pasta will do here).
Simmer until pasta is done.
THEN -- and do not skip this step....
Add at least a cup of
half and half.
You will not be sorry....
trust me on this.....
I know my soups.
Sooooooo - here is bottomline ---
get some great comforting
scents going in your home today.
You are going to love it.
Even cleaning house is better
when great scents are going on.
AND ~~~~~
Your husband and kids
will be delighted to step through the
door this afternoon
to a warm Fall welcome.
Gwynie Pie
Monday, October 11, 2010
FIVE Days of FALL --- Day 1
There is just something so delightful about Fall.....
something refreshing and soothing.
Full of excitement as Fall arrives,
I know Winter will be close
behind and there is a
kind of feel in the air.
It's time to get buy and get my
house in order,
well-stocked and prepared
for Winter.
First things first -----
the house gets decorated for the season.
I use the same 3 tubs of decorations
year after year,
just arranged a little differently
each year.
Last week while browsing Walmart,
I found this beeeUtiful
I love the "Thankful" one best --
30 feet for $5.00
it's a real find.
Help me out --
I have a few ideas but would
love to know how you would use it?
Pumpkins, gourds, leaves and nuts ~~
both real and fake, find their place in my decor.
~~~a cute couple of Autumn angels with
leaves for wings
(you can find them through
Celebrating Home)
and a garland of
leaves and feathers draped
over an antique tablecloth.
The mantel clock always stands on the mantel ~~
no matter the season,
chiming out the hours and the halfs.
I just decorate around it.
This very clock stood on my grandparents
mantel -- always.
It's like the heartbeat of this house.
This very clock stood on my grandparents
mantel -- always.
It's like the heartbeat of this house.
Simple, rustic burlap runs the middle of the long
dining table topped with a wooden
placemat, a funky Fall plate,
then my scripture cake stand
topped with a rusty cloche
that is filled with three perfect pears.
"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good:
blessed are those who
trust in Him!
They shall not lack any good thing!
Psalm 34:8; 34:10b
And maybe my favorite spot in the whole house ~~
below my loved church window
(from the church where I grew up)
hangs a German house blessing.
The open Bible on the buffet was a
wedding present 38 years ago.
Open to Psalm 112
"Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
who finds great delight in His commands."
a great foundation on which to build a home.
As Fall comes to your home,
slow down,
savor the days,
be thankful.
Gwynie Pie
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Hope you are having a lovely Fall Saturday.
I sure am.
I really don't know how the weather could be any more perfect !
It's about 80.
No clouds.
Bright sunshine.
Smells fantastic.
Sitting out on the screened in porch
listening to
the cotton gin as it churns out the finished bales
is such a soothing sound to my ears.
That sound just means Fall and Home to me.
Texas Aggies are
playing in Dallas Cowboy stadium
this afternoon
and will be beatin'
Arkansas --
lookin' forward to that.
Later today
my daughter-in-law's mom is flying in from NC
for a little visit.
It's been a long year since they have seen one another
and I think I'm almost as excited for them as they are.
They will be here tonight
and I'm making
a Fall meal ---
bbq sausage,
mashed potatoes,
steamed brocolli,
Sister Shubert's parkerhouse rolls.
Then worship tomorrow,
where I am sure we will,
yet again,
be challenged and inspired
to live radically.
I haven't told y'all about Radical yet,
have I?
Hooooooboy, challenging doesn't really
quite cover it.
It's good, good stuff.
I've been Fall cleaning
I'm going to be posting
"Five Days of Fall"
starting on Monday ---
all about living life
incorporating the five senses
in all that we do.
Hope you will check back on Monday !
(which is a holiday for me !!! Yipppppppeeeeeee!)
So, so excited about that !
Enjoy your Saturday Friends,
Gwynie Pie
Monday, October 4, 2010
HEY !!!!!!
a rare event happened
at my house this morning................
should I?
but..........I rarely make up the bed
before leaving for work
these days.
When I was a stay-at-home woman,
it was made up every day.
Without fail.
Just part of the routine.
And I do love the way the whole room
when the bed is neat.
You know.........
the bed surface is about 80%
of the square footage of the average
you make up the bed,
you instantly bring order to the
majority of the room
Now ----just tidy up the rest of the room
and I can check this off
my "to do" list.
I think that's pretty good
motivation for making up the bed
I think I'll try it again tomorrow.
Gwynie Pie
Sunday, October 3, 2010
His descendants will be powerful
in the land;
the generation of the upright
will be blessed.
Wealth and riches are in his house,
and his righteousness
endures forever.
Light shines in the darkness
for the upright.
He is gracious, compassionate,
and righteous.
Good will come to a man
who lends generously
and conducts his business fairly.
He will never be shaken.
The righteous will be remembered
He will not fear bad news;
his heart is confident,
trusting in the LORD.
His heart is assured;
he will not fear.
In the end he will look in triumph on his foes.
He distributes freely to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever.
His horn will be exalted in honor.
Psalm 112: 1 - 9
After worship, lunch, and nap this afternoon
the sky got cloudy, the temperature started
dropping into the low 60's !!!!
and we enjoyed sitting on the
screened back porch,
curled up under a quilt,
drinking coffee with French vanilla creamer
and listening to the gentle rain.
A near perfect Sunday afternoon.
I pray your Sunday was a blessed one as well.
Gwynie Pie
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Blue and white all over
Friday, October 1, 2010
Shades of R E D
I regularly stop in the store just to admire the lovely colors.
I have a LOT of polish --- 38 bottles of it.
Just recently it was pointed out to me (again) that although I have a lot of bottles ---
"all of them are red"
Are NOT !!! Are not!
I have a ton of different colors.
And I can prove it ---
there is Cherries in the Snow
Double Decker Red
Smitten with Mittens
Cajun Shrimp
Frankly Scarlet
Ruby Red Stilettos..............just to name a few.
Well........okay................maybe they are all in the "red family", but
they are all so very different.
So I got thinking......maybe my kids are right about this.
I need to branch out a little. Try a new color. Something way different.
So browsing at CVS the other day, I spied a new "Fall" color and thought
"Why not?"
Ocean Breeze Blue.
Hey. That's the very name of the Krylon spray paint I've been splashing
throughout the house all summer.
I'm sure that is just a coincidence.
After I painted my toes, I held up my foot to show Pops.
"Do you think this color is too young for my 58 year old foot?"
"Nope. I like it. It's shiny."
Gwynie Pie
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